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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Education for Children Art

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The course is aimed to cultivate art teachers, art therapist and artists

The course is aimed to cultivate specialized teachers to take care of education for children art, childcare(day care center teachers), Children Art (Co-ed) only in the northern seoul and Gyunggi province. The student can teach art therapy, reading therapy using picture books, children psychotherapy, and work as a children art teacher and childcare teacher or in the field of art teacher or illustrator while working in teaching facilities.

Educational Goal

The course aims to cultivate artists and art therapists or art teachers who can exclusively take care of childcare and children art.

Course Feature

  1. The only children art course in the north seoul and Gyunggi province.(co.ed)
  2. Good career opportunity. Small teaching business managing possible.(day care center, art academy, children art therapy center)
  3. Good career opportunity with acquisition of various qualifications Level2 childcare(ministry of welfare), practical art teacher(ministry of education), level2 art psychotherapy, children art instructor, paper creative work instructor etc.
  4. Various affiliated academic cooperate organization management of kyungmin kindergarten, gyunggi 2 government office day care center (Gyunggi office commissioned), urung day care center (uijungbu city commissioned) childcare information center (seoul, n.gyunggi, uijungbu), health&family support center (yangju), uijungbu art academy federation affiliated art academies.
  5. Advantages of working as modern pure artist and picture book artist together while working in the education facilities.
  6. The course is 3year course of art, childcare and art therapy. Upon completion of 3years of education, the student is eligible to enter intensive major course of 4thyear and acquire bachelor's degree, possible to enter the post graduate education.(art education, pedagogy, child care art psychotherapy children art, foreign conversation, etc.)

Career After Graduation

  • Employment : art academy, day care center management and teacher / art psychotherapist / primary school art special ability aptitude education / after school education teacher / picture book artist / picture book, children study material story illustrator / modern pure artist
  • Further study course : in school post graduate study program of children art bachelor's degree course (eligible to enter the post graduate course upon completion of master course)