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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Hyo-Choong for NCO & Officer Candidates

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Dept. of Hyo-Choong for NCO & Officer Candidate img

Improving to work as a professional HYO education specialists, commissioned officer and military noncom after the graduation

This course was established in 2009 under the idea of school’s establishment, for cultivating a leader based on HYO and Choong. The candidates are eligible to give service as a military officer or officer of an army, navy and air force. Also capability of working as the HYO educational instructor or in HYO-related organization via following act of [filial behavior promotion and support].

Vision and Development Plan

Idea of establishment of school as Mission shares value with Vision, strategy

  • Personality(Be), Knowledge(Know), Behaviour(Do)
  • Clear nationality minds and professionalism based on the HYO and Choong
  • Cultivating talents to the act of filial behavior promotion and support

Educational Goal

  • 1. aim to cultivate talents who are having personality, knowledge and behavior based on the human nature
  • 2. establishment of soldier feature which possesses clear nationality minds based on the HYO and Choong
  • 3_ Cultivating talents according to the filial behavior promotion and support

Course Feature

Entering to the 3rd military school (military officer, managing the 3rd military school enrollment class) / noncommissioned officer (grade of execution benefit) / working as HYOChoong instructor (Lv2)

  • What is a military officer?
    • A military officer is classified as admiral class system (company grade officer, crowned officer) and trains and order the troops and responsible to the troop’s victory.
  • What is a noncommissioned officer?
    • A noncommissioned officer plays a role as a bridge between an officer and soldiers and classified as staff sergeant, sergeant first class, first sergeant, sergeant major classes. After 2 years of service in staff sergeant, promoted to sergeant first class, to first sergeant after 5 years of service and to sergeant major after 7years of service. Also the candidate is eligible to acquire state scholarship, children education expenditure support and benefits of pension after 20 years of service.
  • What is HYO instructor?
    • Upon graduation from the HYO Choong military academy with acquired certificates, the candidate is eligible to work in the field of HYO cultural promotion according to the act of filial behavior promotion and support.