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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Architecture

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Dept. of Architecture Interior img

We are aiming to cultivate adventurous and creative architectural professionals via specialized engineering education to adapt 21st century industrial needs

Architecture is a study of practical and essential part of basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter, and by based on technical skills, it requires advanced specialized field of proper thinking skills and artistic sense. This department is recognized for the best educational environment and excellent educational program and then nationally approved for best ranking (A+) in the national university assessment as a leading educational organization in Seoul & northern part of Gyunggi province. By differentiating engineering based architectural engineering and design based architectural interior, it cultivates adventurous and creative architectural professionals by specialized engineering education to adapt 21st century industrial needs.

Vision and Development Plan

Increasing human resources with abilities of design and engineering

  • The study to adapt rapidly evolving market places and advance through in the field of architectural area
  • architectural design / execution of building works and materials / architectural interior / building equipments and environments / architectural IT / construction maintenance

Educational Goal

We pursue the harmony between high-tech architectural field and principle one with a goal to foster talents suitable for 21st architectural environment, and cultivate human resources to contribute to better establishment of architectural interior industry. Focused on architectural engineering and interior design, we provide specialized education.

  • Major in Architectural : architectural design, building construction, execution of building works and materials, building equipments and environments, 3D CAD
  • Major in Architectural Interior : architectural design system, Cubic geometry, architectural planning and design, digital space design BIM design, architectural interior remodeling education

Course Feature

  • Career-centered education via person to person certificate acquisition
  • Bachelor degree acquisition connecting 3year-education course and intensive major course
  • Onsite training based study to vitalize industry-academic cooperation
  • Life long responsibility education with faculty

Career After Graduation

  • Major in Architectural : complete and professional construction business / building design/system design/building maintenance/ building examination & maintenance / building and repair at industry / construction related civil worker / interior related businesses
  • Major in Architectural Interior : building design office / interior design and construction execution related company / construction system laboratory / construction company / government-operated enterprises and financial company / construction related civil worker / postgraduate / oversea study / stage design / big company design part / department store design / free-lance designer / interior design company / construction remodeling team etc.