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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Information & Communication

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We offer field-based education to apply in the cutting-edge technology field of electronics, telecommunications, computing and information & communication working environments

We offer practical field-centered education to apply in the field of industry with electronics, communication, computer, and Information and Communication as the center to produce talents suitable for information age. We also make an effort at personality education and career guidance via intensive counseling with students, and make an attempt to improve practical ability via field practice.

Vision and Development Plan

Aiming for cultivating creative professionals in the field of information & communication

  • Mastering the basic knowledge of major, Digital circuit design, Information & Communication devices, Communication circuit design, Smart program control
  • Mastering on practice and experiments, industrial fieldcentered experiments and operating laboratories, field practice on industry
  • Detailed guidance of intensive major course, course guidance combined with the latest skills
  • Intensified personality training via HYOCHUNG & general education

Educational Goal

To cultivate professionally creative technician in the field of information & communication, we offer basic theory in the fields of information & communication, electronics, and conduct advanced experiments. We also educate students to be the leading professional in the field of information & communication industry via various education of information & communication engineering, digital engineering, communication circuit design, analogue & digital communication, computer network, micro processor/ smart phone program development etc.

Course Feature

Customized education on each student’s personality, career guidance & job placement guidance while in school, and cultivate a design ability of communication circuit via simulation practice.

Career After Graduation

  • Employment : field of information & communication, smart phone, computing, social network related business, internet management & maintenance or other various wired/wireless communication businesses.
  • Entrance : intensive major course of bachelor