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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Taekwondo Diplomacy

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Dept. of Taekwoondo Diplomacy img

We cultivate ability of a Taekwondo leader who can adapt to changing times via various club activities, and challenge new possibilities

We are aimed to cultivate customized professional leaders who can guide Taekwondo in home and foreign environment of the 21st century, inheriting Taekwondo which is a traditional cultural heritage. We make an effort to have the theory and practice of Taekwondo to cultivate leaders with personalities in the 21st century global age, and challenge new possibilities to produce ability to adapt to changing times via various club activities.

Educational Goal

Cultivation of domestic-foreign customized leaders with the 21st century global age

  • Spread of Taekwondo, a traditional cultural heritage via businessacademic sign with foreign Taekwondo associations
  • Production of martial arts actors via Taekwondo
  • National enhancement long-term development plan via cultivating Taekwondo players
  • Production of martial arts actors and directors via Taekwondo performing arts

Course Feature

We instruct the study of Taekwondo to students systematically grafting the study of Taekwondo discipline, competition, martial arts performance, foreign language, gymnastics, etc. and help students understand international martial arts environment via foreign demonstration and training. We concentrate on cultivating Taekwondo professional leaders essential in the field.

Career After Graduation

  • Employment : domestic and foreign Taekwondo leader, military officer, police, guard, school guide, Taekwondo studio, sports center, sports organization, child safety manager, recreation/infant sports/ weekend2013-10-21 sports guide, etc.
  • Entrance : Intensive major course of bachelor It offers continuous opportunity to people who want to change their jobs to Taekwondo performance area or performer.