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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Musical and Acting

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We are aiming to cultivate various talents who have artistic expressing ability by adapting individual teaching methods

Dept. of Musical and acting was established in 1998 as theater acting and to musical theater to current curriculum. The course provides practical and professional education in the field of acting, vocal, dance and staff training.
To cultivate a performance artist suitable for the 21st century, the course is aiming to cultivate various talents who have artistic expressing ability by adapting 1 on 1 individual teaching methods based on international stage and teaching experience.

Vision and Development Plan

Cultivating the leading talent of the age of cultural arts

  • Creative reinforcing educational program development
  • Cultivation of appropriate talents to affiliate with the international performance in the globalization era
  • Implementation of realistic field work experience

Educational Goal

The course is aimed for cultivating specialized performing artists in the field of acting, musical, movies and broadcasting by studying and developing the artistic imagination with practical training and programs, as mass reflex media is getting advanced and emphasizing its value.

Course Feature

  • The course is cultivating individually specialized talents based on the learning of realistic practical program.
  • The course gives opportunity to find self-discovery by working and studying in the field of physical study, basic acting, respiratory and phonatory control, vocalism etc.
  • Not only studying of foreign arts, also developing the Korean performing arts by studying modernism in art and Korean traditional arts.
  • Upon completion, the course provides wide range of work experiences with working theater and movie organization to actively placed in the field.

Career After Graduation

  • Broadcasting part_ actor, singer, comedian etc.
  • Movie part_ actor, director, staff, co-ordinator
  • Production par_ director, stage director, additional production personnel
  • Playwriting part_ comedy writer, broadcast play writer, scenario writer
  • Theater management part_ theater manager, stage planner, planning assistant
  • Play part_ actor, director, makeup and dress coordinator and stage director
  • Musical part_ actor, director, makeup and dress coordinator and stage director