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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Applied Music

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The course aims to cultivate the composite art specialists by educating with new form of public communication

Established in 2011, applied music course aims to cultivate specialist in the individual field with vocal, composition and study in the instrumental music via comprehensive, specialized practical education program. Media advance globalization and leaping to the future, the meaning of applied music is getting segmentalized. In applied music, the course is aimed to cultivate composite art specialists via future-oriented music education from creation to performance and production.

Vision and Development Plan

Cultivation of composite art specialist

  • Creative activity education program
  • Fieldcentered music education
  • Publicity, futurity applied musician cultivation

Educational Goal

To compete in the media advance globalization followed by segmantalization and diversification in the music specialized market, the applied music course is aimed to cultivate composite art specialists via future-oriented music education from creation to performance, production, and public relations.

Course Feature

  • The opportunity to learn and participate in the various educational field via various systematic learning theories related to the student’s major, performance instruction and practice focused education.
  • Based on grafting other artistic field, develop and study the applied music as aiming to modernize and internationalize.
  • Cultivating the talents specialized in making own visual music or recording and mixing on their own via curriculum of visual music or publicity and futurity targeted computer music.
  • The music coordination and music business for new occupation self developing is included to actively work in the various music fields.

Career After Graduation

  • Media music : broadcasting/ad music, screen music, musical music, music coordinator
  • Popular music : ccm, composer & arranger of popular music or music director, popular music singer, instrument player
  • Sound part : sound director, recording engineer, sound effect
  • Education part : specialized music education teacher, academic management
  • Publishing part : music educational material planner, company, MR production
  • Art management : computer music-related industry, music agency, performance planner