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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Nursing

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Aim to cultivate talents based on dignity towards the human life to contribute to society

Nursery is aimed to cultivate talents based on dignity towards the human life to contribute to society with sprit of Christianity and Hyo education. We learn scientific nursing knowledge and professional skills necessary to help mental and physical recover via health promotion & disease prevention of individuals, family, members of regional community. We also cultivate global nursing experts with occupational view and sense of duty to handle actively in rapidly changing international environment.

Vision and Development Plan

Cultivating global nursing experts with personality

  • Intensified Christianity sprits and Hyo Choong characteristics
  • Critical thinking and problem solving abilities
  • Nursery science knowledge and technique improvement
  • Respect dignity of human life

Educational Goal

  • To cultivate personally and intelligently professional-trained nurses based on Christianity education
  • To cultivate globally competitive professional nurses by international exchange of oversea nursery universities
  • To cultivate working-level professional nurses with critical thought and problem-solving ability necessary in the field of nursing, and application of problem-based learning method to solve patients' health problems

Course Feature


  • Theory : academic theory lesson of nursery for a professional nursery needs
  • In-school training education : basic nursery education including practical simulation of various patient cases and clinical microbiology
  • Onsite training : subdivided medical center training by courses

Career After Graduation


  • Clinical nursery : medical nurses of university hospital, general hospital, mental hospital etc.
  • Professional nurses : health, anesthesia, mental, family, infection management, industrial, first-aid, elder, critical patient, hospice, cancer, clinic, child nurses
  • Industrial nurses : working in various fields of industrial nursery office