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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Digital Contents

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Dept. of Cartoon Animation img

This course aims to cultivate creative talents in the age of digital imaging

Dept. of cartoon animation course aims to define the cartoon and animation education system as it is emerging with great prospect, and cultivates technical and creative cartoonists and animation artists.

Vision and Development Plan

Cartoon animation

  • Cultivating specialists in the field of animation and digital contents
  • Establishing system of cartoon and animation
  • Expressing planning abilities and creativity skills

Educational Goal

The course is aimed to cultivate creative talents via demonstrating planning ability and creativity, and establish a system of cartoon and animation while cultivating cartoon, animation and digital contents specialists.

Course Feature

The course focuses on developing the excellent and creative specialists by implementing curriculum based on 3years of education and professional practical training. The 3-year-course includes; basic course, major curse and intensive major course to learn techniques and knowledges. Major course includes, 2D animation, 3D animation, publishing cartoon, illustration etc. the course has reorganized on demands of students, and to develop with general knowledge.

Career After Graduation

  • Employment : publishing agent and IT-related businesses, printing media producing work, animation producing company, news press agent, mobile and flash animation, game design animation movies, computer 2D 3D animation, design, game design and virtual reality world production, movie special effects, broadcasting station, cable broadcasting, cartoon academy, art academy instructor, primary, middle and high school extra curricular activity instructor etc.
  • Entrance : after finishing 1-year-intensive major course, students can acquire bachelor's degree, and can enter the post graduate study.