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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Education for Child Care

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This course is aimed to educate and cultivate professional manpower for infants’ holistic development

This department is aimed to cultivate ethically-trained education specialists for infants, based on heart-loving mind towards infants. To achieve this, the course aims to study in the field related to infants’ developments, practical applicable field- centered teaching method, various entertaining curriculum for infants’ special ability aptitude education, also intensive children consulting curriculum etc. to promote infants’ holistic development and cultivate manpower of child specialist.

Vision and Development Plan

Aim to cultivate teachers for infants

  • Education suitable for development
  • Field-centered education

Educational Goal

The course aims to cultivate teacher for infants to help properly develop and educate creativity, good-natured and values to holistic development based infants.

Course Feature

1. Field-adapted professor ability cultivation education

We are producing capable teachers with practical educating ability, who can meet demands of childcare field, with affiliated organizations like public daycare center that the childcare education department of Kyungmin University manages, 2nd Gyunggi province office daycare center, and UiJungBu childcare information center, etc.

2. Career education via industrial-education cooperation

We offer increased employment rate by implementing practical childcare education via constructing industrial-education cooperation with UiJungBu childcare federation and its day care center.

3. Infant-related certificate acquisition guidance

There will be many other working places related with childcare in the future welfare society. To prepare this, we offer intensive curriculum to acquire certificate of 2ndlevelchildcare, 2ndlevelsocialandwelfare.

Career After Graduation

The students are able to find career opportunity in the field of childcare centers as a specialized teacher, day care center teacher, public and private day care center as a infants’ teacher, and they are also able to work in the field of other infants related work area and work as a social and welfare worker.