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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Hotel & Tourism Management

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Dept. of Hotel & Tourism Management img

We aim to cultivate specialists with service spirit and foreign language ability to lead the 21st century tourism industry

We have various programs to cultivate talents with theory and executive ability in the field of hotel and tour, good service mind, and foreign ability to take the leading part of future tourism industry.

  • Students can experience the know-how of corporate management, service mind, and professional skill via field practice at 'Kaiser Mom', an Italian restaurant the school runs personally.
  • You can apply for a student exchange program by MOU sign with Wondong University of science technology, Gonsan University of science technology, Youngwha University of science technology, and University of science technology, etc in Taiwan, and you can also practice in the field of the tourism-related industry.
  • You can master Chinese language course in Taiwan via a student exchange program

Vision and Development Plan

Aim to cultivate talents to take the leading part of future tourism industry

  • Combination of theory and executive ability necessary in the field of hotel and tourism
  • Customeroriented service mind
  • Various foreign language ability

Educational Goal

We aim to cultivate talents with theory and executive ability necessary in the field of hotel and tourism, customer-oriented service mind, and various foreign language ability

Course Feature


  • Thorough field practice-oriented education
  • Field-oriented education of essential foreign language such as English, Chinese, and Japanese, etc.
  • Cultivating global talents via foreign internship and visiting sisterhood universities

Business and academic cooperation

  • Employment via business and academic cooperation of hotel, travel agency, etc.
  • Connection of employment via field practice

Activities in department

  • Management of life-long academic adviser system for guidance of class and school life from since entrance
  • Operating a program of certificate acquisition like barista and craftsman bartender via club activities

Career After Graduation

  • Employment : hotel, travel agency, food service industry, airline, casino, duty free shop, extra tourism-related fields
  • Entrance : intensive major course of bachelor