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KYUNGMIN UNIVERSITY for Cultivating Personality

Dept. of Healthcare & Medical Convergence

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Dept. of Administration img

Aim to cultivate professional talents to efficiently work in health and hospital administration

Health administration course is aimed to cultivate specialized talents to efficiently work in the increasing demands of medical health service and medical institution specialization and rapidly increasing demands of health and hospital administration as 21stcenturyisenteringsocietyof welfarestateandaging.

Vision and Development Plan

Management of customized curriculum for certificate acquisition

  • Intensive support for Health service Public official research group
  • Intensive organization of public official examination curriculum
  • Revitalization of community via homepage management
  • Management of major club(more than 3clubs for each candidate) for national certificate acquisition related to health administration

Educational Goal

To cultivate efficient Health administration specialist via theory and practice in the field of health and administration

  • appoint the current specialist working in the health administration field as a professor
  • Establishment of the only and the best virtual hospital environment equivalent as the field

Management of the customized curriculum for qualification acquisition health service public official

  • ntensive support for the health service public official research group
  • Managing intensive organization (Korean, Korean history and English) for public official examination curriculum
  • managing major club(more than 3 clubs each candidate) for the acquisition of health administration national certificate

Basic preparation of bachelor, master and doctor’s degree acquisition

  • Managing affiliating course for health administration acquisition via academic credit bank system after graduation

Career After Graduation

  • Regional health administration public officials
  • University hospital/ general hospital/hospital/medical record, patient administration, health evaluation part manager
  • National health insurance corporation, national pension managing corporation, health insurance review and assessment service health and medical organization, health insurance part and medical examination field of small to large companies
  • Private insurance company (car and life insurance) claiming and evaluation management
  • Health and medical related industries and pharmaceutical company-laboratoryhealth and medical organization and environmental health organization
  • Health and medical specialized press